What’s the difference between a three-season porch enclosure, and a four-season porch enclosure?

Expert Advice

One of the terms that you hear if you’re looking to have your porch area enclosed is if you will have a three-season or four-season porch enclosure built. The logic behind this question is simple: if you will be using the enclosed porch area as a true living space, then you will have to consider how weatherproof and insulated the…

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What is condensation?

Expert Advice, Manufacturer Guide, Safety Issues

Is your glass “sweating”, is ice forming on the inside surface of your windows or doors? The problem is not your new windows, the problem more than likely is excess humidity in your home. Humidity, which consists of warm air borne water vapor, is drawn towards cooler surfaces, such as your windows and doors. Surfaces that are below room temperature…

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Expert Advice

Window convection is a process often misunderstood by homeowners. Many people simply think it is the same thing as drafty windows. But window drafts and window convection are two different things. Window drafts are basically air flow in and out of the home through closed window spaces. Drafty windows are caused by many different things. Poor or cracked caulk jobs…

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